Monday, December 30, 2019

The Complexity Of Vessity Insanity In William...

The word Renaissance means â€Å"rebirth† and is used to represent a period in which there was tremendous growth in literature, poetry, and drama. During that time, there were many great playwrights; one of them was William Shakespeare, who wrote different genres of play, such as comedy, tragedy, and histories. One of his famous tragedies play is Hamlet, which based on Prince Hamlet’s revengeful plan against his uncle, King Claudius. However, some critics question Hamlet’s insanity and they believe Hamlet is actually pretending to be insane. The purpose of this essay is to examine the extent to which the character, Hamlet, is insane. Despite different critics’ opinions regarding Hamlet’s insanity, it seems Hamlet is not insane at the beginning†¦show more content†¦He only feels grief and sorrow because his father’s death is too sudden that he does not know how to handle and response. Yet, the death of Hamlet’s father is one o f the factors that cause Hamlet to become insane. Hamlet’s mother marriage with King Claudius is another reason that indirectly contributes to Hamlet’s insanity. This is because Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude, marries to his father’s brother quickly after his father has just died. Hamlet simply thinks his mother’s remarriage to King Claudius is disgusting because it is incest and he thinks his mother has betrayed his father. According to Johnson Samuel, he argues it is necessary to evaluate character Gertrude in order to understand how her remarriage to Claudius eventually leads to his son madness (Johnson). First of all, one of the critics, Niamh J. O’ Leary, thinks Shakespeare depicts Gertrude as an independent woman who is able to make her own judgments and overcome panics. This is because when King’s Hamlet dies, it does not take Gertrude a long time to recover as she marries to his husband’s brother quickly. Moreover, Niamh argues Gertrude decides to marry King Claudius because she wants to protect his son. She needs to protect his son because she knows Claudius has murdered her husband (O’Learny). In the play, audiences can see Hamlet describes his mother, Gertrude as a disloyal woman who betrays her husband. It is this betrayal that causes Hamlet to become insane when he confronts his

Saturday, December 21, 2019

George Randolph Hearst And Joseph Pulitzer - 1414 Words

In the 1890s, capitalism controlled much of the industry in New York City. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were two executives that in their pursuit to gain money oppress the child work force, the Newsies who are runaways or orphan boys selling newspapers for an income. When the newspaper executives raise the price of papers they are testing the strength of capitalism in America to see if even the weakest will adhere to this environment. The economic decision to raise the price of papers fails when the Newsies strike with the support of the masses of New York until there is no way to for the paper to thrive unless it drops back to price. The 1992 movie Newsies critiques the laissez-faire capitalism that demanding executives tried to use, but it endorses a populist ideology that glorifies organization, self-defense, and noncompliance with powerful executives. The character arc of the main character Jack Kelly shows how populist leadership can arise even under Pulitzers firm oppression. Jack Kelly in the beginning of the story is proud and arrogant about his ability to lead the Newsies. He is showing his power in the beginning by fighting two of the boys working for Pulitzer. When the Newsies decide to strike, he is chosen as the leader and is forced by the masses to bring their demands before Pulitzer. Jack know the social structure of the world that he lives in and is fearful to confront such a powerful man. This hinders the pride of Jack and shows weakness inShow MoreRelatedEssay on What ´s Yellow Journalism?748 Words   |  3 PagesAmerican War. Then newspaper owners William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer began having the sinking of the USS Maine all over the front pages. The dramatic style of yellow journalism contributed to creating public support for the Spanish American War. The term yellow journalism came from a popular New York World comic called ‘’Hogan’s Alley,’’ which featured a yellow dressed character named the ‘’yellow kid’’. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were the owners of the newspaper that R.FRead MoreToday’s mass media has been molded by hundreds of years of reporting, journalism, and personal1300 Words   |  6 Pagesfor the public. Tactics like this can be credited to people such as William Randolph Hearst, a newspaper mogul from the late 19th to the 20th centuries. Hearst greatly influenced the practice of American journalism through his wealth, short political career, and use of unorthodox reporting methods such as yellow journalism. Born in San Francisco in 1863 to California gold rush millionaire George Hearst, William Randolph displayed a love for journalism at young age. While attending Harvard CollegeRead MoreYellow Journalism: Then and Now859 Words   |  4 Pagesjournalistic practices of Joseph Pulitzer. Today, it is synonymous with the inflammatory editorials of William Randolph Hearst. In a classic example of yellow journalism Hearst responded to illustrator Frederic Remingtons request to return from an assignment in a quiet Havana, Please remain. You furnish the pictures and Ill furnish the war (Spanish-American War of 1898). William Randolph Hearst (1863- 1951) was born in San Francisco, California, as the only child of George Hearst, a self-made multi-millionaireRead MoreWilliam Randolph Hearst And The French Revolution1743 Words   |  7 Pagesas Joseph Pulitzer and Ida Tarbell. Among them, William Randolph Hearst was the most successful person in newspaper chain because he had many resources an d supports to do what he wanted, and his success led to influence in newspaper because he was the owner of the Spanish War and was able to build the media empire. Since William Randolph Hearst was born in the wealthy family, he was able to own his first newspaper because of his father. According to Thomas Leonard in â€Å"William Randolph Hearst†, HearstRead MoreMaking a Difference In Our World: William Randolph Hearst Essay892 Words   |  4 Pageswell this would not have occurred if William Randolph Hearst did not become a huge contributor to the American newspaper chain ( William Randolph Hearst ). This man stayed efficiently remembered through his family and personal life, too his economic and industrial pursuit to the newspaper chains, and lastly his wonderful impact on our society today. William Hearst was born on April 29th 1863. He was born to millionaire couple. Their names George and phoebe. Her maiden name was Apperson.Read MoreThe Censorship Of Yellow Journalism1588 Words   |  7 PagesNewspaper publishers William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer II used the form of journalism as a marketing campaign to get customers, in order to buy their newspapers. They include stories, drawings, and cartoons. Instead, the journal gave birth to modern-day investigative Journalism. It was during the 1890s, this newspaper would cause a war between the United States and Spain. What would plunge America into the Spanish-America was that â€Å"William Randolph Hearst wrote a story of America inRead MoreEssay on William Randolph Hearst and the Spanish American War4516 Words   |  19 PagesWilliam Randolph Hearst and the Spanish American War How far is a person willing to go to be the best? Will he sacrifice friends, family, even the lives of his countrymen? What makes someone that devoted to competition that they are willing to destroy everything that they’ve ever known, and quite possibly start a war in the process all to see that they’ve outsold there competition? These are the questions one must ask once you learn of the life’s story of William Randolph Hearst. From his newsRead MoreEssay about The Impact Media has During War3254 Words   |  14 Pagesthe explosion and before the investigations, the newspapers already wrote about Spain attacking and for the people to be ready for the war. This wasn’t the first time the newspaper started such pandemonium. It all started with Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst starting a form of writing called yellow journalism. These two people brought media into a war and may have even started the Spanish-American War of 1898. To get an idea of what truly happened, the background of this war mustRead MoreLife at the Turn of the 20th Century: Summary Notes1004 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"heavier-than-air† craft. First successful flight in December 1903. * Central Park was intended to soothe the inhabitants of New York City and let them enjoy a â€Å"natural setting† while it was both close and free, therefore permitting all classes. * George Eastman created the first Kodak Camera, being easing to hold and operate. Using flexibly coasted roll film instead of heavy glass plates. * Richmond was the first American city to electrify its urban transit. * Some cities build elevated trainsRead MoreEssay on How Sensationalism Affects Eve1135 Words   |  5 Pagespress, which appealed to the then growing population of immigrants in our cities. These papers focused on the reporting of crime and celebrities. Sensationalism returned in the late 19th century in the form of  ¡Ã‚ §Yellow Journalism ¡Ã‚ ¨. Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst competed viciously for readers of their respected newspapers. They both sensationalized stories about alleged atrocities committed by the Spanish, calling for the United States to step in on behalf of the Cubans. Equally important

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ten Little Indians Free Essays

Fritz Perls once said â€Å"I am not in this world to live up to other people’s expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine. † In the short story The Search Engine, by Sherman Alexie, the Native American culture is trying to live up to the expectations of the white world. The main character Corliss, a Spokane Indian, is expected to do well in college so she can move back to the reservation to help her tribe. We will write a custom essay sample on Ten Little Indians or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is also a cultural difference between our world and that of the Spokane when it comes to the roles of gender. Corliss is a very bright individual who has plans beyond the Spokane reservation. When Corliss was younger she was ridiculed for her love of reading. Even though her passion for reading is part of the reason she was able to attend college, the men in her tribe still disagree with reading about nineteenth century white people. Despite the disagreements they are all very proud that she is pursuing a higher education. Corliss’s parents boast about how Corliss will one day come back to fix everything that is wrong with the tribe. In reality they are ignorant to Corliss’s real dreams and ambitions. Gender roles can be defined as the behaviors and attitudes expected of male and female members of a society by that society. In the Spokane tribe the women made more money and held better jobs than the men. In our society, even with more equality for women today, men earn a substantial amount more than women do. For the Spokane men to just sit around and brag about their spouses’ accomplishments seems unreal to our culture. Native American culture is very different from that of American culture. Rather than the Spokane tribesmen trying to better the tribe themselves, they are counting on Corliss to graduate law school and fix the problems of the tribe. The men of the tribe are not fully applying themselves to employment, the tribe, or each other. The values, goals, and practices of the Spokane tribe make their culture foreign to the average American. How to cite Ten Little Indians, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Rational Argument ICT professionalism

Question: Describe about the ICT professionalism? Answer: Introduction Cyber crime is such kind of criminal activities which are carried out by the internet or computer. From the last few decades internet has been introduced as a development in technical infrastructure in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). In consequences of the globalization, the demand for the internet is emerging in day by day. The latest developing technologies are widely used in different areas such as, in military services, transportation infrastructures, cars, industrial infrastructure, building, and electronic instruments, logistics and several kinds of internet related products and services. The information and communication technologies also includes several kinds of services like different types of telecommunication technologies such as WIMAX technology, different services like e- commerce, e- applications, e-health, e-mail, e-education and other electronic services. Cyber crime is one of the prime issues of information and communication technology . The cyber crime mainly includes several kinds of crimes such as spreading of the malware or viruses, different types of distributed denial services (DDoS) or hacking attacks (Hynson, 2012). Various kinds of the offensive activities that can disrupt the computer from different network resources can be defined as the cyber crime. For instance, hacking of the email account is such kind of crime activities which lies on the cyber crime activity. Cyber Crime can be broadly classified into two different types such as the several kinds of interaction into the computer networks such as hacking and the disturbance of the various functionalities related to the computers and the network space such as attacks of the viruses. Step 1: The cyber crime can cause large economic harm which can disrupt the normal flow of the system in the economic scale and has impacts on the economic factor. The below map showcases the argument map; The cyber crime may be related to the issues of the viruses which can disrupt the normal flow of the system but in some cases it is not related to the cyber crime. Then below diagram showcases the argument map of the logic. Hacking is associated with the cyber crime in specifically, ethical hacking is not related to the cyber crime but non ethical hacking is related to the cyber crime. Network space may be affected by the cyber crime which is widely used for carrying out the information and data and may be affected by the different carriers of the cyber crime (McIntosh, 2003). The cyber crime may be related with the different kinds of personal data of the system (Stringer, 2008). Hackers can hack the different personal information for ethical reason but non ethical hackers also can hack for the personal data from system which is illegal. Step 2: The cyber crime can cause large economic harm which can disrupt the normal flow of the system in large economic scale and can cause the large impacts on the various economic factors. Cyber crime is such kind of crime which is related to different types of computing system with the help of interment services. Economic factors are such kind of factors with can reduce the overall GDP of the nation. Cyber crime may have several kinds of impacts on the economical factors. Different types of personal data and information may be hacked which can impact on the economical factors of the nation. Various types of cyber crimes which have impacts on the economical factors are hacking of a personal bank, hacking of the various information and others. So, it can be noted that the cyber crime can cause large economic harm (McIntosh, 2003). The cyber crime is related to the virus. The virus may be different types such as malware, spyware, Trojan viruses which are used for hacking the various types of personal information of the system. The information and data should be secured, the criminal can hack the various personal information for different types criminal activities. The viruses are injected to the system for sharing the various personal information which is illegal so, it can be concluded from the above discussion that the cyber crime may be related to the issues of the viruses. Hacking is strongly associated with cyber crime (Hynson, 2012). Hacking can be broadly classified into two types such as ethical hacking and the non ethical hacking. The ethical hacking is carried out for various types of ethical reason but non ethical hacking is illegal and which is related to the different types of crimes with the help of cyber crime. Different types of un-ethical hacking may hamper the various personal data and information. Network space is used for carrying out the signal information or data. The network space includes several kinds of components by which the carrier signals are generated such as router, hub and other connections. The network space may be affected by the cyber crime which causes the sharing of the personal data and information that is illegal. The account hacking is a kind of network space issue which is related to the cyber crime. The criminal may target the specific account for hacking with the help of network space such as the signal generated to the systems of the user. So, it can be concluded from the above discussion that Network space may be affected by the cyber crime (Bansal, 2003). The cyber crime may be related with the different kinds of personal data of the system. Different kinds of ethical hackers can hack the different types of accounts for gathering information for ethical reason but some unethical hackers hacks the several kinds of accounts information without informing the person, which is illegal. In some cases hacking is needed for gathering different information about the person so, it can understood from the above discussion that The cyber crime may be related with the different kinds of personal data of the system. Conclusion and recommendations The entire topic depicts the cyber crime issues related to the information and communication technologies. The overall report has been classified into four parts such as introduction, argument mapping, and analysis of the mapping, the overall conclusion of the easy and recommendation. The step 1 describes the argument mapping which have been analyzed in the step 2 of the essay. The five issues have been considered for mapping of the arguments. The argumentative analyses for different issues have been described in the step 2 parts. Cyber crime should be minimized with the help of different governmental policies and regulations. The data can be protected with the help of the policy named cyber surveillance. Individual data privacy is needed for preventing the cyber crime from different sources. References Bansal, S. (2003).Cyber crime. New Delhi: A.P.H. Pub. Chowbe, V. An Introduction to Cyber Crime: General Considerations.SSRN Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.1766234 Gerdes, L. (2009).Cyber crime. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. Goel, H. (2007).Cyber crime. New Delhi, India: Rajat Publications. Grant-Adamson, A. (2003).Cyber crime. Broomall, PA: Mason Crest Publishers. Hynson, C. (2012).Cyber crime. Mankato, Minn.: Smart Apple Media. Kirti, S. Cyber Crime.SSRN Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2103758 Marcum, C.Cyber crime. McIntosh, N. (2003).Cyber crime. Chicago, IL: Raintree. Panwar, A. Cyber Crime Through Social Engineering.SSRN Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2386521 Perumal, S. Impact of Cyber Crime on Virtual Banking.SSRN Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.1289190 Stringer, R. (2008). Six months of cyber-crime.Infosecurity,5(5), 11. doi:10.1016/s1754-4548(08)70074-3 Suri, R., Chhabra, T. (2003).Cyber crime. New Delhi: Pentagon. Wykes, M. (2007). Constructing crime: Culture, stalking, celebrity and cyber.Crime, Media, Culture,3(2), 158-174. doi:10.1177/1741659007078541