Thursday, September 3, 2020

Cinema of India and Irish Pages Free Essays

string(160) the family show that encompasses such an occasion anyplace †and made a â€Å"realitycheck†version of it so not quite the same as the ordinary Bollywood film. Irish Pages LTD Glorious Particularity Author(s): Mira Nair Reviewed work(s): Source: Irish Pages, Vol. 3, No. 2, The Home Place (2006), pp. We will compose a custom paper test on Film of India and Irish Pages or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now 103-108 Published by: Irish Pages LTD Stable URL: http://www. jstor. organization/stable/30057428 . Gotten to: 09/11/2012 06:27 Your utilization of the JSTOR file demonstrates your acknowledgment of the Terms Conditions of Use, accessible at . http://www. jstor. organization/page/information/about/arrangements/terms. jsp . JSTOR is a not-revenue driven assistance that helps researchers, specialists, and understudies find, use, and expand upon a wide scope of substance in a confided in computerized chronicle. We use data innovation and apparatuses to build efficiency and encourage new types of grant. For more data about JSTOR, kindly contact support@jstor. organization. . Irish Pages LTD is working together with JSTOR to digitize, save and stretch out access to Irish Pages. http://www. jstor. organization GLORIOUS PARTICULARITY MiraNalr Illumining the genuine. I make pictures in my work. I don’t pen words, particularly not words to be conveyed from chapel podiums. So I encountered incredible distress composing this exposition, particularlysince it was additionally implied for distribution, until I started to consider it to be a chance to verbally process with you on what has been having my brain generally, in this wild past year since the watershed of 9/11/01. I have been pondering the downpour of unending pictures flooding our lives: in the print media, TV and obviously, in our well known film, at last asking myself the deep rooted questionsTer Braakraises in his still-radicalessay:what is the job of a craftsman in any general public? What is the spot and eventual fate of film on the planet today? In the new â€Å"globalvillage†of perpetual pictures, increasinglyI see the disappointment of broad communications to bestow genuine comprehension. This overactive pluralism gives one the figment of knowing a great deal about a ton when really you know a sprinkling about nothing by any stretch of the imagination, leaving afterward a crowd of people so completely clubbed by small amounts of data that one is left confounded and therefore passionless strategically. Perhapsthat is its expectation. The truth of the matter is that while pictures have become increasingly worldwide, people’s lives have remained amazingly parochial. This amusing truth of contemporary life is particularly alarming in today’s war-mongering times, when such a great amount of relies upon understanding universes so unique, and subsequently completely partitioned, from one’s own. In this post-9/11 world, where the factions of the globe are being solidified into tremendous dividers between one conviction and lifestyle and another, presently like never before we need film to uncover our minuscule nearby universes in the entirety of their wonderful identity. I would say, it’s when I’ve made a film that’s done out and out equity to the facts and idiosyncraciesof the explicitly neighborhood, that it traverses to become surprisinglyuniversal. Take Monsoon edding,or case. I needed to make a close family W from nothing, an adoration tune to the city of Delhi where I come flick, something from, to come back to my old propensities for guerilla film-production. But this time, terminated m by the ongoing enablin g of the Dogme ethod, I needed to make a film in only 30 days. That was simply the first reason: to demonstrate that I didn’t need the juggernaut of a huge number of dollars, studios, embellishments and a lot of men in suits to make a decent story in the most fascinating visual way that could be available. I needed 103 IRISH PAGES o catch, most importantly, the soul of masti(meaning an inebriation with life) natural in the full-bodied Punjabi people group from where I come, and afterward, to catch the Indiathat I know and love, an India which lives in a few centuries simultaneously. As Arundhati Roy put it, â€Å"as Indian residents we stay alive on a normal eating routine of rank massacresand atomic tests, mosque breakings and design appears, church burnings and extending phone systems, fortified work and the computerized upheaval, female child murder and the Nasdaq crash, husbandswho keep on consuming their spouses for settlement and our heavenly heap of MissWorlds. It cou ldn’t be said better. Such were the liquid mainstays of the India I needed to put on film †68 entertainers, 148 scenes, and one hot storm season later, utilizing paintings,jewellery, saris and furniture taken from family members on the screen, with every individual from my family acting in it, in the wake of shooting precisely 30 days, a film was brought into the world that at that point had an excursion so unique in relation to any desire (all the more accurately, non-desire) that we may have had for it during its creation. Individuals from New Delhi to Iceland to Hungary to Brazil to America trusted it was their wedding, their family,themselves on that screen †and on the off chance that they didn’t have a family,they longed to have a place with one like the individuals they saw on screen. I didn’t make the film to teach anyone about â€Å"my culture and my people†-I accept that to be essentially a social ambassadorof one’s nation is exhausting †rather, on the off chance that it was made for anyone past myself, it was caused for the individuals of Delhi to feel and chuckle and cry at our own defective Punjabi(a. k. a the PartyAnimals of India) selves. Interestingly for me, Monsoon edding as the first of seven movies I’d made that W was totally grasped by the mainstreamBollywood movie industryin India; makers, chiefs, famous actors, choreographers, performers the same grasped the film, and without precedent for my 20-odd years as a free producer †autonomo us truly from both the Indianand the Americanmainstream †I felt the chance of my work having a place some place. In spite of the fact that the style and type of Monsoon edding as radical for the Indianpublic (the whole film was W hot with a hand-held camera,was reality-based, with a large group of totally obscure countenances blended in with amazing on-screen characters, live singing, no studio giving, utilizing a blend of old Indianpop tunes with new unique music, and exchange simultaneouslyin Hindi, English and Punjabi),it keeps on playing in Indiaalmost a year after its discharge. Perhapsthis was on the grounds that we took a natural reason †that of an Indian wedding, and of the family dramatization that encompasses such an occasion anyplace †and made a â€Å"realitycheck†version of it so unique in relation to the ordinary Bollywood film. You read Film of India and Irish Pages in classification Paper models Bollywood, a term for the tremendous business film industryin Bombay, alludes to those stupendous, epic and over-the-top spectacles eplete with melodic r 104 IRISH PAGES numbers and sumptuous creation esteems, structured as idealist amusement for the general population. It is the thing that Ter Braak humorously portrays in his conversation of low film †â€Å"born among cigarette-biting young people and laughing house keeper workers, got with wild excitement and the fair sentimentalism of a low class longing for redemption. â€Å" In spite of its matchless, particular style and its present refined extraordinary store, Bollywood is in no way like film of the craftsmanship house, New Wave assortment, in no way like expressionism †it doesn't have claims of immaculateness. It is rebelliously mainstream, made for the general population and for benefit. In this manner, Bollywood as a true to life structure is fundamentally versatile and composite †a class inviting outside impacts, not dreading them. In any case, the movie producers continually focusing on the broadest conceivable crowd †have needed to oblige the numerous interests of an incredibly provincial and differing nation. Certain bringing together components †Mahabharata and Ramayana, the central epic writings from which numerous accounts determine, and the accentuation in all movies on family convention and neighborhood setting †give Bollywood films a wide reverberation inside Furthermore, Bollywood was brought into the world under expansionism and splendidly gets by in a post-pilgrim world. The Bollywood style is broadly versatile and permeable, a wipe that needed to react to radical impacts to endure pre-Independence, and readily imitated them for benefit in later years. A typical marvel in Bombay are the supposed DVD India. irectors who pitch their accounts to moviestars utilizing prompted scenes from wellknown Hollywood films (e. g. , â€Å"it is fundamentally a mix of Godfather meets Love Story meets When Harry Met Sally†). Western stories from Jane E re to Dead Poets’Societyare retold with Indian characters and creation structure that all the time †cunningly †p lay into both Westerners’ and Indians’ admiration of India. This recommends an outskirt around India that is both permeable and defensive, glaringly retaining and duplicating a wide range of impacts yet bending them to make it at long last appear to be matchlessly Indian †or, to put it all the more precisely, supremely Bollywood. There is a lot of discussion on the endurance of nearby films in a worldwide age, and much frustration about the relentless rush of American culture, frequently blamed for then again dulling and weakening craftsmanship and tasteful sensibilities around the globe. The French have been railing about social protectionism from Hollywood throughout recent years. In this setting of attempting to protect and develop neighborhood voices, it is astounding to see the unflagging vitality of Bollywood film. Bollywood’s force, its backbone and its impossible, adaptable hybridity, are for the most part aftereffects of its immense inside market. Monetarily and creatively †much like Indian culture itself. Bollywood is flexible and solid 105 IRISH PAGES The mass Indian crowd for whom Bollywood films are made is evergrowing and

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Written submission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Composed accommodation - Essay Example The remainder of the inhabitants (15%) are single. There is some ethnic decent variety in the bequest. The present turnover is at 18%, in any case, re-letting is a significant test particularly on account of littler properties due to the estate’s poor notoriety. There is additionally the issue of a high level of the inhabitants having rent unpaid debts. A large portion of the clients are in the Housing Benefit plan and this is one of the significant reasons why such huge numbers of them have lease unfulfilled obligations. Right now the inhabitants don't have their own Tenants Association. The degree of feeling of network is low, yet a couple of the inhabitants are anxious to change this. There is likewise constrained client commitment with Southway and different offices. A portion of the issues and issues confronting the bequest incorporate a horror rate which is one reason why the domains has such a high turn over rate and a low re-letting rate. The absolute most normal wrongdoings submitted in Lowfeaf incorporate theft and medication managing. The estate’s physical appearance is additionally ratty with inadequately kept up nurseries and litter dispersed all over. There is additionally a great deal of spray painting on the dividers which makes the spot look threatening. Lowfeaf bequest has a yearly network spending plan of  £10,000 which is right now not being utilized. The ordinary staff accessible incorporates a network official and salary the executives official. There is additionally the Customer Involvement Team and Your Neighborhood Team Manager who offer help administrations. There are plans to start a home improvement program which is set to take off inside a half year. There is additionally an ecological program which is wanted to begin in the following nine months. The significant issue in this domain is its notoriety. In this way the best arrangement is one that will help make a decent name for Lowfeaf. I have built up a multi year plan that will see Lowleaf abandon a decrepit looking, wrongdoing loaded home to one of the most lucky local locations. The arrangement

Friday, August 21, 2020

Revolution of architecture Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Transformation of design - Coursework Example Beijing the capital of China has experienced such a quick change in a significant limited ability to focus time like a couple of other capital urban communities like Hanoi, Vietnam that were decimated after the war and other calamities.(Economist ed 2004 pp 63). Beijing was only a rubble of old back streets and little boulevards and haggard condo squares, however today this is a city of business premiums that has prompted the introduction of quickly developing office towers, high rises, shopping centers and stores, enormous arenas and luxurious government structures. With this changed change one needs to concur that there was a high impact of westernization in the greater urban communities of China on the residential front as well as all around. This change occurred after 1949 with an endeavor to make beneficial markets for utilization as well as to change it into a city of creation and exchange. Issue STATEMENT In this examination the issue is characterized as Does urban structure or arranging in Beijing identify with the western ideas of engineering and how are they related' This connection between urban plan and design is vital in order to comprehend the point of view of the exploration. In this examination one more issue is characterized as which hypothesis will be best recognized from the hypothesis viewpoint. Is it the post-auxiliary social hypothesis OR post-innovation hypothesis or post Marxist hypothesis that will be found in the application and presence of revolutionized architecture' Official SUMMARY In this exposition, the examination will concentrate on the engineering progression in Beijing and the way in which the Western type of building styles upgraded the standpoint of the city of China. During the 1950's there was a forward leap in Chinese...With this improved change one needs to concur that there was a high impact of westernization in the greater urban communities of China on the household front as well as all around. This change occurred after 1949 with an endeavor to make gainful markets for utilization as well as to change it into a city of creation and exchange. In this examination one more issue is characterized as which hypothesis will be best recognized from the hypothesis viewpoint. Is it the post-auxiliary social hypothesis OR post-innovation hypothesis or post Marxist hypothesis that will be found in the application and presence of revolutionized architecture' In this paper, the examination will concentrate on the design progression in Beijing and the way in which the Western type of compositional styles improved the standpoint of the city of China. At this crossroads the Chinese planners started to analyze the social princ

Monday, June 8, 2020

Price Differentials in Chinese Automobile Industry Essay - 275 Words

Price Differentials in Chinese Automobile Industry across Different Cities (Research Proposal Sample) Content: Price Differentials in Chinese Automobile Industry across Different CitiesStudents NameUniversity AffiliationPrice Differentials in Chinese Automobile Industry across Different CitiesLiterature ReviewThe information from government agencies in China indicate of big price disparities in automotive industry. Evaluations by different scholars indicate that one of the causes of large price differentiation is market segmentation. Yu, LuandLuo, (2013) obtained data regarding the price differential in Chinese car industry from the China Information Network (CPIN), which is a subsidiary of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The agency keeps record of monthly sales in 36 large cities in China. The agency records the price, car model, and manufacturer. The China Auto Circulation Association (CACA) keeps the record for quarterly sales of cars in China cities. According to Yu, Lu, and Luo, (2013), coefficient of variation is used in measuring price dispersion across different cities in China. Moreover, Yu used Goldberg and Verboven model in calculating the hedonic prices for every city at certain time. This enables them to obtain the prices of different car models in each city at a particular time. The research by Yu, Lu, and Luo indicates of increasing price dispersion of passenger cars in China cities (Yu, Lu Luo, 2013). According to Yu, Lu, and Luo, (2013), from 2004 to 2006, there was consistent increase in the price differentiation across different cities in China. One of the effects of price differentiation is income effect. The income effect largely accounts for regional price disparity in China. This is because of income inequality that exists across Chinese cities resulting to inequality in car sales across the cities. Moreover, in an evaluation of the causes of price differentiations in Chinese car industry, Lee and Hong (2012) found that various factors result to price differentials. Lee and Hong (2012) found that market segme ntation in China is a cause for price disparity. This is similar to causes of price disparity in automotive industry in Europe as found out by Goldberg and Verboven. In this case, market segmentation empowers market forces of demand and supply to control prices, in the market. Therefore, since the market forces vary from one city to another, in China, this leads to price variations across the cities. Pride and Ferrell (2012), state that in an oligopolistic market, the demand curve within a specific region is affected by the income and consumers preference in the region. Conversely, the input costs and optimal output strategies have effects to the supply curve in the region. Furthermore, the competitors strategies and output level have significant effects to the supply curve. In this context, the Chinese automotive industry is an oligopolistic market. The automotive industry has been segmented into regions and thus car prices vary from one region to another. According to Lee and Hong (2012), many Chinese car manufacturers sell their products across the country. Therefore, the car manufacturers try to maximize returns from each of the segmented regions. This leads to price variations across regions as companies try to maximize revenues. Maxcy (2013), states that in the global automotive industry, cars are almost identical. In this context, the make of different cars is similar due to standardization process. The difference between cars occurs in the marketing since they are sold in different brands. The brands bring differences in prices and external appearance of the vehicle. Therefore, consumers purchase identical cars with different brand names. Maxcy (2013) depict that this practice of identical cars and different brand names is called badge engineering. One car manufacturing company can source for a specific car model from Competitor Company and makes minor changes to suit the companys desires. Thus, the company does not invest heavily in research and devel opment of a new in-house model. The two cars in the market share many common features regardless of difference in brand and physical appearance. Moreover, when the two cars meet in the market, they have different prices. The pricing of the vehicles is based on the external appearance and brand name. In turn, this leads to variation in prices between the cars despite the cars sharing many similarities. According to Maxcy (2013), in certain circumstances, cars are manufactured in the same industry and undergo the same production lines despite having different brand names. In this case, the brand name brings variation in price. Therefore, consumers purchase identical cars at different prices in the market.Apart from China, other countries and regions have experienced price disparities in the automotive industry. The European region is one of the regions with huge price disparities, in the automotive industry. The price disparities in the Europe region began as early as 1980s. According to Lumley (2009), an evaluation of price disparity in automotive industry, in the Europe region, reveals of information that was recorded in 1981 and 1986. The Bureau of European Consumers Unions (BECU) started keeping the records of price disparity since 1980s. Lumley (2009) states that in the European region, the disparity price differed by more than 50% across European countries. In the European region, the first source of price disparity was due to price discrimination. There was price discrimination by different automotive companies especially global leading companies. The price discrimination is due to difference in demand elasticity across different countries. According to Lumley (2009), an evaluation on price differential before taxation and after taxation revealed of existence of price disparity in the two cases. However, the price disparity was higher before tax adjustment as compared to after taxation. This is because taxes increased the retailing price for cars even in countries with low price disparity. Moreover, due to lack of uniform taxation system in many regions such as Europe and American regions, prices after taxation showed existence of price disparities in different countries. Lumley (2009) found in his research that the number of dealers within a segmented market had significant effect to price differentials for automotive. The markets with few car dealers experienced high prices of vehicles as compared to markets with many car dealers. This is similar to oligopoly markets where few companies control market activities. In oligopoly markets, few large companies can collude to determine the prices in the market (Pride Ferrell, 2012; Pride, et al. 2012). Furthermore, prices are sticky in oligopoly markets since the few companies in the market are not likely to change prices due to competition. In this case, markets with many car dealers have volatile prices since dealers compete through price. Therefore, cars with many car dealers experie nce high price differentials. Pride and Ferrell (2012) found in his research big price disparity for various models of vehicles in different countries. One of the outstanding disparities was in Aston Martin Cygnet, a tiny European city car. The car retailed at a price of $45,000 (Pride Ferrell, 2012). However, Toyota Company manufactures the Aston Martin Cygnet car, which is one of the leading automotive manufacturing companies. An identical car from Toyota Company was retailing at a price of $17,000. The difference between the two car models was outside appearance and minimal internal hardware. The price disparity between the two car models is $28,000. Therefore, a consumer purchasing Aston Martin Cygnet car pays an outrageous extra double price despite the two cars being manufactured by the same company and undergoing through the same production lines. In the US car market, Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD 1500 LS, which was launched in 2012 was retailing at $43,010. An identical car launched in the same year, GMC Yukon 4WD 1500 LSE was retailing at $45,090 (Pride Ferrell, 2012). The two cars virtually had similar features except for the external appearance. According to Mankiw (2012), consumer discounts when purchasing cars contribute to price differentials within a country. The car dealers offer discounts to different customers purchasing different models of vehicles sold by the company. Mankiw (2012) state that there is no standard formula for offering discounts and thus companies can offer discount at any time and in selected places. In many cases, discounts are used in promoting company products to the consumers. This is common in markets experiencing decrease in sales or in new markets where the company wants to attract new customers to purchase company products. In certain cases, organizations or people purchasing vehicles in large quantities receive discounts from car dealers. The discounts offered result to variations in pricing within a market since consumers purchase similar product at different prices. Therefore, car dealers and companies contribute to price differentials through discounts offered to consumers. Mankiw (2012) states of other financial benefits offered to consumers resulting to price differential in the same market. One of the other financial benefits is reduction in car price because of bargaining power between buyer and seller of the car. In this case, the seller may exempt a certain amount of money from the listed retailing price of the car for the buyer. Hence, the buyer purchases the car at a lower price than other buyers who do not bargain for prices with the seller.The government policies and regulations have been contributing towards encouraging price differentials in the automotive industry (Mikler, 2009). The policies outlined by the government result to variations of different models of vehicles in the same and different markets. One of the pol... Price Differentials in Chinese Automobile Industry Essay - 275 Words Price Differentials in Chinese Automobile Industry across Different Cities (Research Proposal Sample) Content: Price Differentials in Chinese Automobile Industry across Different CitiesStudents NameUniversity AffiliationPrice Differentials in Chinese Automobile Industry across Different CitiesLiterature ReviewThe information from government agencies in China indicate of big price disparities in automotive industry. Evaluations by different scholars indicate that one of the causes of large price differentiation is market segmentation. Yu, LuandLuo, (2013) obtained data regarding the price differential in Chinese car industry from the China Information Network (CPIN), which is a subsidiary of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The agency keeps record of monthly sales in 36 large cities in China. The agency records the price, car model, and manufacturer. The China Auto Circulation Association (CACA) keeps the record for quarterly sales of cars in China cities. According to Yu, Lu, and Luo, (2013), coefficient of variation is used in measuring price dispersion across different cities in China. Moreover, Yu used Goldberg and Verboven model in calculating the hedonic prices for every city at certain time. This enables them to obtain the prices of different car models in each city at a particular time. The research by Yu, Lu, and Luo indicates of increasing price dispersion of passenger cars in China cities (Yu, Lu Luo, 2013). According to Yu, Lu, and Luo, (2013), from 2004 to 2006, there was consistent increase in the price differentiation across different cities in China. One of the effects of price differentiation is income effect. The income effect largely accounts for regional price disparity in China. This is because of income inequality that exists across Chinese cities resulting to inequality in car sales across the cities. Moreover, in an evaluation of the causes of price differentiations in Chinese car industry, Lee and Hong (2012) found that various factors result to price differentials. Lee and Hong (2012) found that market segme ntation in China is a cause for price disparity. This is similar to causes of price disparity in automotive industry in Europe as found out by Goldberg and Verboven. In this case, market segmentation empowers market forces of demand and supply to control prices, in the market. Therefore, since the market forces vary from one city to another, in China, this leads to price variations across the cities. Pride and Ferrell (2012), state that in an oligopolistic market, the demand curve within a specific region is affected by the income and consumers preference in the region. Conversely, the input costs and optimal output strategies have effects to the supply curve in the region. Furthermore, the competitors strategies and output level have significant effects to the supply curve. In this context, the Chinese automotive industry is an oligopolistic market. The automotive industry has been segmented into regions and thus car prices vary from one region to another. According to Lee and Hong (2012), many Chinese car manufacturers sell their products across the country. Therefore, the car manufacturers try to maximize returns from each of the segmented regions. This leads to price variations across regions as companies try to maximize revenues. Maxcy (2013), states that in the global automotive industry, cars are almost identical. In this context, the make of different cars is similar due to standardization process. The difference between cars occurs in the marketing since they are sold in different brands. The brands bring differences in prices and external appearance of the vehicle. Therefore, consumers purchase identical cars with different brand names. Maxcy (2013) depict that this practice of identical cars and different brand names is called badge engineering. One car manufacturing company can source for a specific car model from Competitor Company and makes minor changes to suit the companys desires. Thus, the company does not invest heavily in research and devel opment of a new in-house model. The two cars in the market share many common features regardless of difference in brand and physical appearance. Moreover, when the two cars meet in the market, they have different prices. The pricing of the vehicles is based on the external appearance and brand name. In turn, this leads to variation in prices between the cars despite the cars sharing many similarities. According to Maxcy (2013), in certain circumstances, cars are manufactured in the same industry and undergo the same production lines despite having different brand names. In this case, the brand name brings variation in price. Therefore, consumers purchase identical cars at different prices in the market.Apart from China, other countries and regions have experienced price disparities in the automotive industry. The European region is one of the regions with huge price disparities, in the automotive industry. The price disparities in the Europe region began as early as 1980s. According to Lumley (2009), an evaluation of price disparity in automotive industry, in the Europe region, reveals of information that was recorded in 1981 and 1986. The Bureau of European Consumers Unions (BECU) started keeping the records of price disparity since 1980s. Lumley (2009) states that in the European region, the disparity price differed by more than 50% across European countries. In the European region, the first source of price disparity was due to price discrimination. There was price discrimination by different automotive companies especially global leading companies. The price discrimination is due to difference in demand elasticity across different countries. According to Lumley (2009), an evaluation on price differential before taxation and after taxation revealed of existence of price disparity in the two cases. However, the price disparity was higher before tax adjustment as compared to after taxation. This is because taxes increased the retailing price for cars even in countries with low price disparity. Moreover, due to lack of uniform taxation system in many regions such as Europe and American regions, prices after taxation showed existence of price disparities in different countries. Lumley (2009) found in his research that the number of dealers within a segmented market had significant effect to price differentials for automotive. The markets with few car dealers experienced high prices of vehicles as compared to markets with many car dealers. This is similar to oligopoly markets where few companies control market activities. In oligopoly markets, few large companies can collude to determine the prices in the market (Pride Ferrell, 2012; Pride, et al. 2012). Furthermore, prices are sticky in oligopoly markets since the few companies in the market are not likely to change prices due to competition. In this case, markets with many car dealers have volatile prices since dealers compete through price. Therefore, cars with many car dealers experie nce high price differentials. Pride and Ferrell (2012) found in his research big price disparity for various models of vehicles in different countries. One of the outstanding disparities was in Aston Martin Cygnet, a tiny European city car. The car retailed at a price of $45,000 (Pride Ferrell, 2012). However, Toyota Company manufactures the Aston Martin Cygnet car, which is one of the leading automotive manufacturing companies. An identical car from Toyota Company was retailing at a price of $17,000. The difference between the two car models was outside appearance and minimal internal hardware. The price disparity between the two car models is $28,000. Therefore, a consumer purchasing Aston Martin Cygnet car pays an outrageous extra double price despite the two cars being manufactured by the same company and undergoing through the same production lines. In the US car market, Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD 1500 LS, which was launched in 2012 was retailing at $43,010. An identical car launched in the same year, GMC Yukon 4WD 1500 LSE was retailing at $45,090 (Pride Ferrell, 2012). The two cars virtually had similar features except for the external appearance. According to Mankiw (2012), consumer discounts when purchasing cars contribute to price differentials within a country. The car dealers offer discounts to different customers purchasing different models of vehicles sold by the company. Mankiw (2012) state that there is no standard formula for offering discounts and thus companies can offer discount at any time and in selected places. In many cases, discounts are used in promoting company products to the consumers. This is common in markets experiencing decrease in sales or in new markets where the company wants to attract new customers to purchase company products. In certain cases, organizations or people purchasing vehicles in large quantities receive discounts from car dealers. The discounts offered result to variations in pricing within a market since consumers purchase similar product at different prices. Therefore, car dealers and companies contribute to price differentials through discounts offered to consumers. Mankiw (2012) states of other financial benefits offered to consumers resulting to price differential in the same market. One of the other financial benefits is reduction in car price because of bargaining power between buyer and seller of the car. In this case, the seller may exempt a certain amount of money from the listed retailing price of the car for the buyer. Hence, the buyer purchases the car at a lower price than other buyers who do not bargain for prices with the seller.The government policies and regulations have been contributing towards encouraging price differentials in the automotive industry (Mikler, 2009). The policies outlined by the government result to variations of different models of vehicles in the same and different markets. One of the pol...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Societal Representations in Frankenstein - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 708 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Frankenstein Essay Did you like this example? The monster that Dr. Frankenstein created posed questions and concerns for both the society in the 1880s, when Mary Shelley wrote the book, as well as for our society in our current time. Questions regarding the responsible progression of scientific research and implementation existed in both societies and were represented in the book. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Societal Representations in Frankenstein" essay for you Create order The Frankenstein Effect, which questions societys role in fostering maladaptive traits in others existed at the time of the book and is still a question that begs to be investigated and realized. Thirdly, the loss of focus on the humanities as important for education was present in the book and is an ever-increasing concern today. In the book, the monster instills fear in his creator, Dr. Frankenstein. He fears the monster only after it is created, not during the creation process as seen here, the first enthusiasm of success. Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds. then later, I beheld the wretch † the miserable monster whom I had created (Shelly 4 5). This can be viewed as the fear that humans had regarding the increasing power of science to control life experiences, and to possibly control even life itself in the future. Today, are we forging ahead in our excitement of our scientific advancements without thinking carefully about the implications that may exist after their implementation? We are advancing quickly in our ability to change the DNA structures of embryos, but have we carefully thought through the implications that such research and advancements could have on individuals and society as a whole? Nuclear arms, which are already in prevalent existence, are another example of forging ahead with advancements before realizing the frightening implications that exist when such arms wind up in the hands of terrorists or individuals without structured constraints and treaties. Now, the fear of how to navigate through the implications of the inventions of nuclear arms is similar to the fear experienced by Frankenstein trying to navigate the repercussions of his monster. Questions regarding the Frankenstein Effect have also been raised by those reading the book in the 1880s as well as today. The Frankenstein Effect demonstrates to us a bit about humanity and disability (Harris). Is the monster created by nature or do we, as a society, create monsters by our treatment of those who look or think differently than what we perceive to be normal? If treated differently, with love, would the monsters of our society, such as the outcast and downtrodden, look differently? Would people, feeling connection, love, and caring from their fellow humans, be able to successfully navigate the difficulties that nature and even nurture may throw their way from time to time? Would they be able to see hope in problems and difficulties without turning to vices such as drugs, alcohol, and violence? Would they be more productive and happier individuals if they didnt feel depression from the disconnection they experience from judgmental, scared, isolating, and self-centered individuals (Harris)? Concerns over losing the study of the humanities, and the important role that those have in shaping our culture and the growth of the individual were also raised by the book. The monster used the readings of the various texts to enable his thoughts and his feelings to grow. This may reflect a fear in society of the effects of the loss of the humanities as important. What will guide the development of our youth and our culture? What will be the standard against which we measure our own growth and understanding as individuals? The monster clearly stated that these various readings helped with his growth. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein holds many enduring, thought-provoking questions about people and societies, both during the time of her writing in the 1880s, as well as for our society of today. Is science out of control? Are we creating monstrous situations from toying with cloning and engineering embryos? Do we have effective measures to control against nuclear annihilation by our own creations with our own hands? Do we create our own monsters by separating and ridiculing those who might look or think differently than us? Does our fear create such monsters? Are we moving away from the important role that humanities play in the development of the individual and the culture as a whole?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Macbeth Essays - 963 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Macbeth The play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare is often believed to be cursed by many. The quot;Curse of Macbethquot; is the misfortune that happens during the production of the play. Many theater and acting companies refuse to put on Macbeth because the play has a reputation of being cursed. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In 1604, Shakespeare tried to please King James I by casting caution and imagination aside. For the opening scene of act IV of Macbeth he reproduced a 17th century black magic†¦show more content†¦I do not think that this play glamorizes witchcraft inappropriately because there is nothing glamorous about looking and acting like the stereotypical witch. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The tragedy of Macbeth is considered to be so unlucky that is hardly ever called by its name inside the profession. People usually refer to the play as â€Å"that play,† â€Å"the unmentionable† or â€Å"the Scottish play.† It is supposed to be bad luck to quote from the play or to use any sets, costumes, or props from a production. Its reputation has been most likely acquired from the suspicion of the weird sisters and to the many disasters that have happened since its premier on August 7, 1906 (unknown). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Beginning in 1906, William Shakespeare himself played Lady Macbeth after Hal Berridge became feverish and died. This play displeased King James I so much that he banned it for five years. In 1972, the actor who was playing Macbeth substituted a real dagger for the blunted stage dagger and killed Duncan in front of the viewers of the play. One actor sleepwalked off the stage in 1948 while another one was almost strangled to death by an actor in 1926. During a performance in 1849 at New Yorks Astor Place, a riot broke out in which 31 people were killed because of being trampled. In 1937, Laurence Olivier played the role of Macbeth, a 25-pound stageShow MoreRelatedMacbeth : Macbeth 1411 Words   |  6 PagesPeter Klimek Mrs. Moeller Macbeth Rough Draft 3/7/16 Ambitionz Az Macbeth Macbeth is a character in a play by Shakespeare with a tragic flaw. He had a quick rise to power and shortly after that a fall. Macbeth’s tragic downfall is a consequence of his vaulting ambition which is fueled by greed, fear and arrogance. Lady Macbeth and the three witches also have a major key in influencing his emotions. They manipulated the emotions he felt so he acted more rashly on them. Macbeth was a guy that couldRead MoreMacbeth Essays : Macbeth 1064 Words   |  5 PagesMacbeth Analytical Essay In life, there are two types of people: those who do the right thing and those who don’t. In the play Macbeth, by Shakespeare, the main character Macbeth is given a prophecy by three witches that says he will become king; however, there is no descending line of kings of his own blood. With the knowledge of the Witches’ prophecy, Macbeth’s ambition, and manipulation from his wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth is quickly dragged into a never-ending, bloody murder rampage to obtainRead MoreMacbeth - Imagery in Macbeth1331 Words   |  6 Pagesart of making images, the products of imagination. In the play Macbeth Shakespeare applies the imagery of clothing, darkness and blood. (listed from least to most), Each detail is his imagery, it seems to contain an important symbol of the play. Symbols that the reader must understand if they are to interpret either the passage or the play as a whole. Within the play Macbeth the imagery of clothing portrays that Macbeth is seeking to hide his disgraceful self from his eyes and othersRead MoreMacbeth864 Words   |  4 Pagesimagination. In any piece of literature, imagery plays a significant role in illustrating the characters. In the play, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are developed through the use of clothing, sleep, and blood imagery. Through the use of clothing imagery, Shakespeare exposes and develops the character of Macbeth. In the beginning, Macbeth is seen as loyal soldier of King Duncan. When presented with the title of Thane of Cawdor, he says Why do you dressRead MoreMacbeth1700 Words   |  7 PagesThe Loyalty of Masculinity In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth the main theme of loyalty is explored throughout the play by main characters. Loyalty can be defined as faithfulness or unwavering devotion to a person or cause. Duncan, Banquo, Macduff and Macbeth are all essential characters who are given opportunities to express their loyalty, however it is the different ways in which these characters choose to be loyal or disloyal that shape the play as a whole. It is the character’s loyalty and/orRead MoreMacBeth867 Words   |  4 Pagesart, and Cawdor, and shalt be what thou art promised. Yet for I fear thy nature; It is too full o’th’ milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way† (Shakespeare 1.5.12-15). Lady Macbeth is the bad influence Macbeth has in his life that persuades him into killing King Duncan and rushes into being King. Before Macbeth became paranoid after the brutal death of King Duncan, he was a worthy captain of the kings army. â€Å"The service and the loya lty I owe in doing it pays itself. Your Highness’ part isRead MoreMacbeth1038 Words   |  5 Pageswith it?  Would you do  right or wrong? To ignore the premonitions  or to go ahead,  knowing that if you do go ahead you would  destroy the natural order? This is what Macbeth had to solve within himself,  his internal conflict. Ladies and Gentlemen, an overriding theme of conflict is established within William Shakespeare’s tragic play â€Å"Macbeth†. Conflict. What is conflict? We simply define conflict as the struggle between opposite forces or different opinions between people. Though it doesn’t always haveRead MoreMacbeth739 Words   |  3 PagesSynopsis Macbeth  is a play about a Scottish nobleman who learns, from a prophecy given to him by three witches, that he is to become king. When Macbeths ambition overcomes his moral judgement, he assassinates the reigning king and fulfils the prophecy. In doing so, however, he undermines his own rule with insecurity - insecurity he created when he upset the natural succession to the throne. Beheaded in battle, Macbeths death allows the rightful heir to reclaim the throne and order is restoredRead MoreMacbeth1388 Words   |  6 Pages Macbeth: Character Analysis The Tragedy of Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, is about a soldier, Macbeth, and his friend, Banquo, who meet up with three strange witches who share prophecies with the two men. Macbeth is told that he will become king someday and rule the land of Scotland. The rest of the play follows the actions of once a loyal soldier turned into a greedy king, who seeks to hold the crown forever no matter what the consequences may be. Throughout the play Macbeth displays himselfRead MoreMacbeth757 Words   |  4 Pagesat me† Macbeth to Banquo’s ghost. â€Å"This is the very painting of your fear† Lady Macbeth to her husband. â€Å"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble†. Witches (4.1.1) Images of disguise and concealment (appearance vs reality): â€Å"Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t† Lady Macbeth, 1, 5 â€Å"False face must hide what the false heart doth know† Macbeth, 1,7 â€Å"There’s daggers in men’s smiles. The near in blood, the nearer bloody† Donalbain 2, 3. Macbeth tells

Facebook vs Twitter free essay sample

But one question is who will be on top? Synopsis of the Situation Who is better than who? Or one could say who is going to be the king of the hill? Facebook has tried to purchase Twitter with no success. It is hard to say who will come out on top or who will be the ultimate winner of the social war. Until on or the other purchases their competitor or they just decide to merge and rule the social network, we will have to wait and see who will win. Key Issues Facebook and Twitter are both free sites and are both popular. Facebook and Twitter are both time conversations, but Twitter is a little faster.They both seem to have their good and bad qualities. Twitter has a character restriction and has no popups. Twitter users can also post to their Facebook page. Facebook does not have a character limit. We will write a custom essay sample on Facebook vs Twitter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They both can post pictures and videos. Facebook has a better privacy blocking system (if you can find it and get them set right). A lot of users (me included) are not aware of this option. Facebook allows businesses to advertise and reach more people faster. Facebook makes there revenue off the ads on their site, witch keeps it free for their users. Facebook has games for their user to play also.These games also generate some of their revenue. Twitter has no games and the only source of revenue is its investors. Define the Problem The main problem for Facebook and Twitter at time is each other. The other thing is that there are other social sites that are starting to catch on. They are both trying so hard to out due each other they may just get stepped on by someone else. They both need to set some goals and do what will help them in the long run. Alternative Solutions Alternative 1- There is room for both of them on the World Wide Web. Competition is good.They need to keep going like they are; yes sooner or later one will be better than the other. It is like the burger wars (McDonalds and Burger King) one might be on top but the other is right behind. Alternative 2 They could always merge and rule the social networking site as one. Alternative 3 They could merge and Facebook can be the everyday personal social network site and Twitter can be more of the business network site. Selected Solution to the Problem Alternative 1 Let the users decide which site works best for them. Compatiotion is good for both of them and the users.It makes them improve their products and in turn this makes a better product for the consumers/users. Despite the politically right way, there is going to be a winner and a loser. Implementation The best way to implement the solution is to advertise and to start improving their sites right away. The faster they improve them, the faster they get ahead. Recommendations Twitter should find a way to make revenue. They might need to start selling advertising space or charging a nominal fee for users. Facebook needs to become more users friendly and maybe make it easier to use.